
September 6th,2020.

Today I came to upper course.



The place is deficient water.

In the surface I saw a few small fish but I haven't seen any large fish .

In this situation is difficult watching any large fish.

I catched a few small fish, they are too small I don't want to take pictures for them.



Today is a windy day, the wind is headwind, so I casting the fly line is very hard.

Time is 09:30, I not yet catch over 40cm fish.

Full water is key for catch large fish!so I came to the confluence of stream.



I search riffles and the pool in the confluence, there are two big fish rising to surface eat the flies, but they are missed it.

Damn it!

Are you can't aiming flies to eat......




I search the source of confluence soon after and I saw a big fish rise at there, its body look like 45cm to 50cm, YES!that is my the aims!

I shoot the flies to rapids, and I saw it rising quickly to the surface and ate the flies

I'm really very excited about the process.

Its strength is very powerful, it definitely is large fish!



3 minutes after...I catched it!




It is 51cm, Oh yeah!I catch large fish again.




Amazing fish!






It is a beautiful fish!




A lot anglers always said there are no other fish if there are Taiwan Mahseer.

Look at the picture.

This a small fish is Taiwan Chub in the picture, are you still believe about that?



When I'm taking the video it escape



Okay, I'm hpply for today, I had a nice day.

See you next time!

The end.


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