August 29th, 2020
When I'm walking in river seeing the beautiful view, I take this a picture Immediately.
The picture's light and composition is great, I very satisfy and like the picture.
There are a lot of water in the river, fish is lively.
I fish to 30 minute after...I got it 45cm and 47cm the Taiwan Mahseer, very nice!
I cross the stream and climb to rocks.
Fish will observes anything on the boulder, so I need to hide my body.
Then I catch some small fish, but they are not my aim.
When I want to leave here, I see a huge shadow of fish!
I shoot a flies quickly...when it will eat the backward escape...
I lost a huge fish again!
What is the problem? why this situation happens repeatedly?
Ho God...
I continue going to upriver.
I came the flat stream, the water is slowly and deep here, I thinking here have a few large fish.
Be quiet and slowly walk to stream, cast the fly line 2 times, flies drop on the aim, then a fish rises to suface ate it!
The fish of shadow looks like a small fish, so I pull hard the fly line and rod, it fast to backward position at the moment, it's powerful, I almost lost the fly line, yes!it's a large fish!
I used about 5 minutes catch it.
Amazing fish!
Wow, its length is 53cm!
I very love Taiwan Mahseer, this fish own beautiful and strong body, it is also smart, It's not easy to catch it.
Time is afternoon 2pm, the sky is darkened, it's going to rain, I need to hurry back to the car.
Okay, today is great day, see you next time!
The end.